(403) 394-8676
Park Rules & Regulations


Before staking your claim, you best check in with us at the front desk.

Don’t get your pennies in a bunch, payment must be made in full before your reservation is confirmed & before kicking your feet up in your site for the night.

One vehicle per RV site is the limit; you may hitch up any additional ponies in the general parking lot.

Remember to pay your fair for extra heads of hair; normal occupancy is up to 2 adults & 3 children per site, additional fees for any extra persons (up to a max 10 persons per site) will need to be settled up front.

If any visitors you have exceed the occupancy guidlines/stay past quiet hours, they must check in and pay the additional persons fee, or site fees if persons exceed 10 persons.

To be respecting of persons, our quiet hours are from 10pm-7am, so you’ll have to quit your yodeling about then.

We are a family friendly operation; any minor noise disruptions… well, to be expected.

We’re a pick-it-up before you step-in-it facility; your pet’s ‘business’ is your business; on the flip side, there may or may not have been cattle on the land, so watch your step.

This is the free wild, but not too wild and free; your pets must be leashed in all areas unless otherwise designated.

In staying safe, a little common sense is a wise move; please stay off/out of areas under construction.

We have bodies of water on the property, understand that there is no lifeguard on duty and that you engage in lake activities at your own risk.

Okay folks, no need to dust up the place, and let’s preserve our children too (and everyone else for that matter); the park speed limit is 10 km/h.

This isn’t the town saloon, keep any alcohol you may have brought to yourself in your vehicle or RV; any intoxicated behavior will not be tolerated.

You may be asked to leave if there’s any dangerous ruckus or unruly behaviour, and in that case, you leaving is just fine with us, in fact we’ll insist.

If you need to go out round back, be sure to take those extra steps and find yourself 5 meters away from all buildings (doors, windows, and intakes); smoking will not be tolerated indoors in any of our facilities, in any public spaces, or work areas. You’ll also be needing to use designated receptacles for any related discard.

Fire is the real deal in this here country, and will only be permitted in designated fire rings, and only if any Alberta fire bans/restrictions are not in force; also, fireworks are not permitted.

Garbage/recycle cans were put on this good earth for a reason; don’t let your garbage get away from you, much obliged if you gather up after yourself and your group.

There’s more than a chance you may experience the ‘windy country’ here in southern Alberta; take a tip and tighten you hats, items, awnings, tent stakes, and anything else that might could blow away.

Now just so’s you understand, you’re in charge of any proper set up of all your equipment and RV stuff, including leveling; there may be uneven ground/slopes and grassy areas to wrangle, so use your own wise judgement.

This is the country, folks; be bear (and critter) conscious. Keep any food in sealed safe containers (and in RV or car trunk) and away from tent/sleeping areas; be sure to take care of all related garbage before turning in for the night.

Please do not approach any onsite animals without park staff assistance; also, keep an eye on your own children, know where they are.

Keep your hands to yourself, other folks stuff is just plain their stuff.

No, we don’t use mouth soap, but you best be respecting others with good clean language, it’s just a decent practice round here.

Although your state of happiness is quite frankly up to you, your happy stay is a priority in our happy day; if you have something to say, let’s chat happily.

Please be neighborly and well-spoken with all guests and visitors; this is more than just a onetime stage-coach stop, we strive for a welcoming place to hang your hat.

Mostly, just have fun! You’re supposed to be having a good time, we highly recommend it.

Yeppers, these guidelines apply to all y’all, including any visitors or guests you may have dragged in with you.