(403) 394-8676
Contribution Agreement
  • By submitting any and all contributions, i.e. pictures, stories, memorabilia, materials, buildings, etc., you acknowledge that you have all the necessary rights to them, and grant us the same, to use them however we see fit within Fort Heritage & Frontier RV Park and for any marketing and/or promotional materials in any location or venue and by any means of distribution, without further consent.
  • Accompanying stories/legends behind your heritage contributions will need to be submitted in writing/via email to info@myrootsvacation.com. Please note that contributions with accompanying heritage stories are more likely to be accepted.
  • Collected pledges and any and all contributions towards any part of Fort Heritage & Frontier RV Park Inc. does not grant ownership, but does qualify you for any related future incentives and discounts towards your stay/visit with us.
  • Incentives and discounts are variable and will be announced through social media platforms and/or by other means, as they become available. You may take advantage of any related incentive or discount by keeping up to date through these channels or by other marketing means we choose to use.
  • Any contributions of memorabilia or similar will be used and/or displayed at our discretion and in any location for public use, marketing/promoting or other without remuneration. It is our intent to list items and/or capital contribution with associated contributor names or Fort Heritage & Frontier RV Park Inc. registry specific brands, as recognition and for use as stated above.
  • If you wish your capital contribution or any other contribution to remain anonymous, please indicate so in writing by emailing us at pledge@myrootsvacation.com.
  • Pledges towards ancestor cabins will not be called for until the minimum dollar amount per cabin is reached. A cabin has an estimated cost of $45,000. We reserve the right to make individual decisions for pledges that do not equal the minimum amount required. Once the minimum or agreed upon amount has been reached and building permits have been acquired, payment will be due in full within the next 30 days. Contributions exceeding minimum estimated amount and/or actual cost will be used within Fort Heritage & Frontier RV Park Inc. at our discretion.
  • Special consideration will be given to names of original settlers of Mt. View community and surrounding areas. We reserve the right to select which namesake applications will be approved. If your ancestral name submission is not selected, no correlating pledges will be called for.
  • Pledges towards the ‘Rock Church’ reconstruction and/or any other building within Fort Heritage & Frontier RV Park Inc. may be called for in phases as required for building, with a 30 day notice.